\draw[smooth] (1.75,-1.5) to[out=120,in=-30] (0,-1) to[out=150,in=-150] (0,1)
to[out=30,in=150] (2,1) to[out=-30,in=210] (3,1) to[out=30,in=150] (5,1)
to (5,1) to[out=-30,in=30] (5,-1) to[out=210,in=70] (3.25,-1.5);
\draw[smooth] (0.4,0.1) .. controls (0.8,-0.25) and (1.2,-0.25) .. (1.6,0.1);
\draw[smooth] (0.5,0) .. controls (0.8,0.2) and (1.2,0.2) .. (1.5,0);
\draw[smooth] (3.4,0.1) .. controls (3.8,-0.25) and (4.2,-0.25) .. (4.6,0.1);
\draw[smooth] (3.5,0) .. controls (3.8,0.2) and (4.2,0.2) .. (4.5,0);
\draw (1.75,-1.5) arc(180:360:0.75 and 0.2);
\draw [dashed](1.75,-1.5) arc(180:0:0.75 and 0.2);
\node [label=above:$P$] at (2.5,0.7) {};
\draw (2.5,0.855) arc(90:190:0.25 and 2.174);
\draw [dashed](2.5,0.855) arc(90:0:0.25 and 2.174);
\node [label=above:$G_1$] at (1,1.1) {};
\draw (1.0,0.15) arc(270:90:0.3 and 1.14/2);
\draw[dashed] (1.0,0.15) arc(270:450:0.3 and 1.14/2);
\node [label=above:$G_2$] at (4,1.1) {};
\draw (4.0,0.15) arc(270:90:0.3 and 1.14/2);
\draw[dashed] (4.0,0.15) arc(270:450:0.3 and 1.14/2);
\node [label=center:$\gamma$] at (2.5,-0.1) {};
\draw[smooth] (5,0) to[out=270,in=-30] (3,-0.5) to[out=150,in=30] (2,-0.5) to[out=210,in=270] (0,0) to[out=90,in=150] (2,0.5) to[out=-30,in=210] (3,0.5) to[out=30,in=90] (5,0) ;
\draw[smooth] (1.75,-1.5) to[out=120,in=-30] (0,-1) to[out=150,in=-150] (0,1)
to[out=30,in=150] (2,1) to[out=-30,in=190] (3,0.9) to[out=10,in=200] (4.5,1.3) to[out=210,in=170] (5,0) ;
\draw[smooth] (5,-0.5) to[out=190,in=70] (3.25,-1.5);
\draw[smooth] (0.4,0.1) .. controls (0.8,-0.25) and (1.2,-0.25) .. (1.6,0.1);
\draw[smooth] (0.5,0) .. controls (0.8,0.2) and (1.2,0.2) .. (1.5,0);
\draw (1.75,-1.5) arc(180:360:0.75 and 0.2);
\draw [dashed](1.75,-1.5) arc(180:0:0.75 and 0.2);
\draw (5,0) arc(90:270:0.08 and 0.25);
\draw (5,0) arc(90:-90:0.08 and 0.25);
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (4.5,1.3) {};
\node [label=above:$P$] at (2.5,0.7) {};
\draw (2.5,0.855) arc(90:190:0.25 and 2.174);
\draw [dashed](2.5,0.855) arc(90:0:0.25 and 2.174);
\node [label=above:$G_1$] at (1,1.1) {};
\draw (1.0,0.15) arc(270:90:0.3 and 1.14/2);
\draw[dashed] (1.0,0.15) arc(270:450:0.3 and 1.14/2);
\node [label=above:$G_2$] at (3.8,0.9) {};
\draw (3.8,1.07) arc(90:270:0.25 and 0.955);
\draw[dashed] (3.8,1.07) arc(90:-90:0.25 and 0.955);
\node[white] at (5.5,0) {};
\node [label=center:$\gamma$] at (2.5,-0.3) {};
\draw[smooth] (4.41,0.5) to [out=250, in=0] (1,-0.6) to[out=180,in=270] (0,0) to[out=90,in=150] (2,0.5) to[out=-30,in=210] (3,0.5) to[out=30,in=200] (3.5,1);
\draw[dashed][smooth] (3.5,1) [out=350, in=140]to (4.41,0.5);
\draw[smooth] (1.75,-1.5) to[out=120,in=10] (0,-1);
\draw[smooth] (0,1) to[out=-10,in=190] (3,0.9) to[out=10,in=200] (4.5,1.3) to[out=210,in=170] (5,0) ;
\draw[smooth] (5,-0.5) to[out=190,in=70] (3.25,-1.5);
\draw (1.75,-1.5) arc(180:360:0.75 and 0.2);
\draw [dashed](1.75,-1.5) arc(180:0:0.75 and 0.2);
\draw (5,0) arc(90:270:0.08 and 0.25);
\draw (5,0) arc(90:-90:0.08 and 0.25);
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (4.5,1.3) {};
\draw (0,1) arc(90:270:0.3 and 1);
\draw [dashed](0,1) arc(90:-90:0.3 and 1);
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (-0.3,0) {};
\node [label=above:$P$] at (2.5,0.7) {};
\draw (2.5,0.83) arc(90:190:0.25 and 2.15);
\draw [dashed](2.5,0.83) arc(90:0:0.25 and 2.15);
\node [label=above:$G_1$] at (1,0.7) {};
\draw (1.0,0.84) arc(90:270:0.3 and 0.905);
\draw [dashed](1.0,0.84) arc(90:-90:0.3 and 0.905);
\node [label=above:$G_2$] at (3.8,0.9) {};
\draw (3.8,1.07) arc(90:270:0.25 and 0.955);
\draw[dashed] (3.8,1.07) arc(90:-90:0.25 and 0.955);
\node [label=center:$\gamma$] at (2.5,-0.3) {};
\draw[smooth] (4.41,0.5) to [out=250, in=0] (-0.26,-0.5);
\draw[smooth] (-0.26,0.5) to[out=0,in=210] (3,0.7) to[out=30,in=200] (3.5,1);
\draw[dashed][smooth] (3.5,1) [out=350, in=140]to (4.41,0.5);
\node[white] at (5.5,1) {};
\caption{Curves chosen in the proof of Proposition \ref{pr:continuoussection3}}